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AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE! Maserati A6GCS by Walter Bäumer and Jean-François Blachette
Maserati built remarkable racing cars in the 1950s that are highly valued by many drivers in historic racing today. The darling among these cars is the A6GCS. Small, very agile, and relatively easy to drive, it was THE car in the 2-liter class for the numerous amateur racing drivers in Italy. The car was driven on countless hill climbs and of course on circuits, and in the legendary Mille Miglia. In race-crazy Italy, the car was always in the focus of the spectators, tens of thousands of whom stood on the streets to watch these small red racers. The history of the A6GCS gives a very good insight into a time in Italian motorsport which was mainly contested by wealthy amateurs. The names of many of the drivers have been forgotten today, but the vast majority of the A6GCS are still here and are used today at numerous events. This book pays tribute to perhaps the most romantic Maserati racing car of all time.
- Pages: 400
- Images: 343
- The only detailed book about the Maserati A6GCS
- The most popular of all Maserati race cars, and a favorite driver of current owners
- Includes the history for all 54 chassis and one mystery chassis
- The car was a success when racing for amateurs in the 1950s and was popular, participating in hillclimbs and events like the Mille Miglia
- Cars designed and built by famous coachbuilders: Fantuzzi, Fiandri & Malagoli, Pininfarina, Frua and Vignale
- Driven by greats, such as Maria Teresa de Filippis, Luigi Musso and Juan Manuel Fangio
- Over 340 period photographs, many never seen before
- Companion volume to author’s books on the A6G and 300S Maseratis
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Author Biography
Walter Bäumer was born in 1954 into a family of car enthusiasts. His uncle, also called Walter, was a Mercedes Grand Prix driver and the winner with Huschke von Hanstein of the 1940 Mille Miglia driving a BMW 328, and his father, Werner, acted as Walter’s manager and business adviser. After high school, Walter studied photography, and for many years worked as a photographer and freelance art director for well-known companies in the fashion and cosmetics industries, and magazines such as Esquire, Lucca, Vogue, Style and Playboy. Since 2003 he has worked full time as a Maserati historian. He lives in Düsseldorf, Germany. More about Walter Bäumer
Jean-François Blachette is a long-time enthusiast of Maserati history and the collecting of Maserati period photographs. He is president of the Club Maserati France and editor of Modena, the club magazine. Retired from the car industry, he is now a craftsman of 1/43 high-quality Maserati models through his small company JFB Models.
